Great Reads: Market Smackdown

. August 9, 2011
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Trading and Investing

Buy-and-hold strategies give you nowhere to hide. (Empirical Finance)
All market sectors are down, some more than others. (Reformed Broker)

Reasons not to buy cap-weighted indexes like the S&P 500. (Mebane Faber)

Experts aren't good at forecasting. Ignore what you hear on TV. (Mebane Faber)

How much does the options market expect the S&P to move? (VIX and More)
Options are insanely expensive right now. (Option Pit)

Fact and fiction about the results of the debt downgrade. (Reformed Broker)
Ratings agencies have a tough job. Look at markets, not ratings. (Aleph Blog)

Redacted Version of the August 2011 FOMC Statement. (Aleph Blog)


He took well-thought-out risks to save the lives of his men. (Art of Manliness)

Creativity just reassembles elements that are already known. (Seth Godin)
It's easy today to create content, not just consume it. (Seth Godin)

Advice for a college-bound daughter. (No Regrets)

Here's a way to save backups of your blog posts. (Labnol)

Don't just argue. Deal with things. (Abstruse Goose)

Don't be like this in your next interview. (Abstruse Goose)

Walking with God

Practicing integrity in everyday communication. (Boundless Line)

Charity is a great bargain for the giver. (Seth Godin)

Marriage and Family

The "honeymoon period" doesn't have to end. (Art of Manliness)


Aragorn. (Abstruse Goose)

The Dow tanks. (SurlyTrader)
Brokers With Their Hands On Their Faces Blog. (Tumblr)
Smurfs are no longer welcome on Wall Street. (Reformed Broker)

From Abstruse Goose: