Don't say I didn't warn you.
Trading and Investing
The Ivy Portfolio vs. Ivy League endowments last year. (Mebane Faber)
Trend-following indicators reduce downside volatility. (MarketSci)
When momentum is poor, sell out. (Research Puzzle)
Ideas about volatility-adjusted relative strength. (CXO Advisory)
Individual stocks mean-revert from month to month; industries trend. (SSRN)
Anomalies like momentum and value to go in and out of style. (CXO Advisory)
Selling puts or calls according to trend. (CXO Advisory)
Managed futures can save your tail. (Steven Koomar)
Investors allocate to the wrong asset class at the wrong time. (Mebane Faber)
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Yes, bonds can be volatile instruments. Surprised? (ETF Replay)
Investing lessons from a pianist. (Marc Faber)
How to explain short selling to your mother. (BC Lund)
Are you a deranged trader? (Surly Trader)
In complex transactions involving a lot of people, be cynical. (Aleph)
"Never, ever take counterparty risk." (Reformed Broker)
It may be cheaper to buy ETF's than mutual funds. (Mebane Faber)
"Funds of funds face a huge hurdle because of the high fees." (Mebane Faber)
Can active managers add value when everything is correlated? (ETF Replay)
Commodity indices behave like mostly energy. (MarketSci)
Asset classes are becoming more correlated. (MarketSci)
Some of hedge funds' returns come from liquidity risk. (CXO Advisory)
Be careful about shorting that VXX. (MarketSci)
The state of short-term mean reversion. (MarketSci)
What happens to P/E ratios when rates and inflation change? (Mebane Faber)
Average market performance on the last day of the quarter. (MarketSci)
Average market performance on the first day of the quarter. (MarketSci)
The stock market tends to be strong in the fourth quarter. (MarketSci)
Dividend payers: less volatility and a significantly higher return. (SurlyTrader)
Affordable Living
If you were a millionaire, would you act like one? (Reformed Broker)
An emergency fund can indirectly provide a good return on the money. (Aleph)
How to extend the life of laptop batteries. (Education Tech News)
Affordable ways to create gifts for men. (She So Crafty)
Blogging is like working out. (The Basis Point)
How to find a job in finance. (Aleph)
Man Links
The importance of trusting men in your circle. (The Art of Manliness)
Are you a spectator or a doer? (The Art of Manliness)
Leaders lead people through fear. (Donald Miller)
Stop living for the approval of women. People-pleaser. (Art of Manliness)
Don't live for your mother's approval, either. (Art of Manliness)
Men, stick to your guns. (Art of Manliness)
How to improve your posture. (Art of Manliness)
The power of morning and evening routines. (Art of Manliness)
How to be the perfect party guest. (Art of Manliness)
Ten cheap date ideas she'll actually love. (Art of Manliness)
Marriage and Family
The personality types that make the best matches. (Personality Page)
Society and Worldview
Churches, are you sure you want your young adults back? (Immerse Journal)
Hypothesis: the efficient market hypothesis led to the financial crisis. (Aleph)
It costs 2% to 5% of GDP to file taxes. Not pay, just to file. (Dan Dascalescu)
Washington, D.C. is booming. What recession? (Reformed Broker)
The Facebook Gross National Happiness indicator. (Facebook)
Welcome to the genomic revolution. (YouTube)
Christian Living
How to stop worrying. (Max Lucado: part 1 and part 2)
"God understood Elijah's weary despair, and he let him sleep." (CCEL)
Get rid of line breaks that bother you when you copy from the Web. (Text Fixer)
Why go to college? (SurlyTrader)
Watch out! (Signs of Danger)
Scary church signs. (Ed Stetzer)
How different Christian denominations see each other. (Ed Stetzer)
How to win at Monopoly: buy the orange properties. (BBC)
Penguins attack:
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