Great Reads: Sir Isaac Newton as a trend-follower?

. September 11, 2011
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Trading and Investing

What if Sir Isaac Newton had been a trend-follower? (Mebane Faber)
Missing the "ten best days" isn't such a bad thing. (Mebane Faber)

September is a weak month for the stock market. (Surly Trader)
Positive feedback loops and market crashes. (Surly Trader)

What happens to bond prices as interest rates change? (Mebane Faber)

Stock market valuation models: P/E ratios. (Mebane Faber)
"Cheap" is not always cheap. Huh? (Reformed Broker)

Recession odds at 50%? (Reformed Broker)

Which countries will dominate the global economy in 2030? (Economist)
Economic indicators color-coded on a world map. (TradingEconomics)

What are options good for? (Condor Options)
The spread between volatility indices has interesting information. (Option Pit)

How good is published academic research? (Marginal Revolution)


Who lost work during the Great Recession? (New York Times)

How do you successfully market to your best customers? (Seth Godin)
Expensive advice isn't necessarily better. (Seth Godin)
Is your work environment still organized using a factory model? (Seth Godin)

Comparison of video hosting services. (Wikipedia)

Watch out for conflicts of interest. (Dilbert)
Watch not just what you say, but how you say it. (Dilbert)
On making decisions without thinking. (Dilbert)
Did you mean that? (Dilbert)
Creativity? (Dibert)


Cornelius Van Til: downloadable audio and courses. (Gospel Coalition)

Marriage and Family

One hundred must-see movies for men. (Art of Manliness)

What would happen if you let your defenses down? (Boundless Line)


We're still figuring out how to send files to people. (xkcd)

xkcd: Are interest rates low enough for you yet?