People listen to stories, not facts. (Seth Godin)
Two earthquake-related thoughts about crowd behavior. (Seth Godin)
You can either seek to get more out of an opportunity or less. (Seth Godin)
Will tomorrow's business stars come from agriculture? (Reformed Broker)
Keep shortcuts to commonly used Web pages on your desktop. (Ask Leo)
If you could have any super-power, what would it be? (Reformed Broker)
How to handle excellent and/or devastating news. (This Is Indexed)
In the information age, information is no longer precious. (Seth Godin)
Is the Internet empowering or censoring citizens? (YouTube)
Trading and Investing
All strategies, including buy and hold, involve forecasting. (Strom Macro)
Teachers of "buy and hold" may have a conflict of interest. (Reformed Broker)
An interesting take on momentum investing metrics. (Vector Grader)
Hedge funds have delivered positive alpha since 1995. (Institutional Investor)
Marriage and Family
Divorce rates: things can be more complicated than they seem. (Boundless Line)
Which way is the market going? (Abstruse Goose)
Depth perception. (xkcd)
"I'm sorry." (xkcd)
Things that make your skin crawl. (This Is Indexed)
Logic. (Dilbert)
Schools kill creativity.
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